[Please enable JavaScript.] 3121 Dewitt AveMattoon, IL 61938
MTU 13
East Central Illinois Law Enforcement Training

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Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Welcome to the new MTU 13 website......

Class Rules

1. Arrive on time

If you arrive late, please see me to make sure that you are signed into that class.

2. No Smoking; Limited Tobacco Chewing

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the training building. If you smoke, please do so outside, away from the doors.

We request that you do not chew tobacco in class, as it is distracting to others, especially when spitting it out. However, if you do chew tobacco in the training center, after class, please take your spit cup outside to the trash can yourself on your way to your car.

3. Pay Attention in Class

You and those around you are here to learn. Please pay attention to the instructor who has labored to prepare for the class. Please do not be a distraction to those around you.

4. No Newspaper, Magazine or Other Reading Material

These are very disrespectful to the instructor and the other students in the class.

5. No calling or texting

Please mute your cell phones and do not check them in class. It is an interruption to the class when someone checks their phone or sends texts. Keep them put away during class.

6. Limited Computer and Tablet Use

We allow the use of these devices for educational purposes. However, please refrain from checking email, social media, watching sports, or engaging in other distracting behavior.